Obrist Group

Sustainable, Emission reducing Innovations

aFuel® - The Global Energy Carrier

For several years we have been supporting our local partner Obrist Group in developing sustainable visions in the fields of automotive industry, global mobility and zero emission. Together we make even the most daring visions of the future visible and give them shape.

Together with our partner OBRIST Group we proudly present our 3D animation of “The Modern Forest” – a massive factory for the production of aFuel® – the world’s first climate-positive fuel which can be produced in the Sun Belt of the earth. As a kind of liquid electricity, the key advantage of aFuel® is that existing infrastructure and technology can continue to be used.

The cSink reactor is part of the same factory and additionally reduces carbon from the environment. With this process, it is not only possible to produce a climate-neutral fuel, but even a climate-positive one.




Energy prices are at an all-time high. Luckily, innovation is advancing just as quickly. Fast market development requires fast innovation. Consulteer is helping you stay one step ahead of the competition by covering the entire energy product development process.

Dragoslav Milovanović

Principal Consultant


Human. Technology. Together.

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