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C Portrait: Nina Litty

Introducing Nina Litty, an Interaction Designer and User Researcher at Consulteer since June 2019. Her mission? To enhance user experiences through innovative solutions. Join her on a journey to create a more user-friendly world. In this interview, discover her motivation, growth at the company, challenges, achievements, and her dedication to crafting effortless user interactions.

What Inspires you? What motivates you?


Nina: How can growth and positivity in life not be motivating? It is particularly inspiring and tangible when you can contribute and expand your knowledge, when great teams amplify ideas, and when expectations are exceeded. Personally, I am motivated by technological breakthroughs that provide effortless user experiences. As a counterbalance, nature, sports, good weather, and social connections are irreplaceable for me.

How would you describe your development?


Nina: Starting as an icon designer and a student (often referred to as the dishwasher among the software designers), I learned from great team leaders and grew through a variety of projects. Analyzing complex HMIs in mechanical and plant engineering, and improving UX for more seamless apps have been a part of my everyday life for four years. Today, I am an expert in methodical user research, user experience, and interface design at Consulteer, Office Rhine Valley.

What was your biggest challenge?


Nina: Multitasking and switching tasks between subjects at the university and increasing responsibilities at work were a challenge. The restrictions due to the pandemic have of course additionally limited direct social contact with work colleagues, fellow students and customers. Fortunately, there are always creative ways and I remember many good moments as well.

What was your biggest achievement?


Nina: The variety of projects is what makes this job exciting. Nevertheless, I am particularly proud of having designed a web tool for a German house builder that guides customers effortlessly and with pleasure through the house planning process. A high degree of freedom and close communication with the client made it possible to completely redesign the service.

What can you say about your work environment?

Nina: I love seeing Lake Constance and the mountains when I take the train to work. The location and network in the Rhine Valley inspire me, not only because of the university and the many opportunities it offers but also in combination with the great landscape, it suits me perfectly!

What is your favorite Consulteer core value?

Nina: "All for One" because a well-coordinated team is irreplaceable and fun!

What sets Consulteer apart? It's clearly the human-centered approach, our strong focus on people in everything we do.


Kathrin Speidel

Head of HR

[email protected]

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