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A Synthesis of Design, Brand & User Experience

The Grenzebach Group, an international family-owned enterprise specializing in plant engineering and automation technology, operates across three distinct divisions: 'Glass', 'Building Materials', and 'General Industry'. Each serves a unique industry yet is intrinsically connected through a consistent, recognizable brand aesthetic. Our approach is rooted in developing a cohesive design language that respects each sector's individual identities and requirements.

Design unifies

With great care, we have developed a design language that unites different areas and ensures that every new development fits seamlessly into the Grenzebach family. This is achieved by balancing the brand's technical, modern, and function-oriented ethos with each sector's specific values and requirements. The resulting design is characterized by precise shapes, lines, and surfaces that not only define the machines' aesthetic but also accentuate their quality, making a statement to the world.

Function-oriented Design


Functionality is at the heart of our design philosophy. Each machine's appearance is directly influenced by its intended purpose. Dynamic and fast machines bear design elements that reflect these qualities, mirroring the consistency and excellence of the Grenzebach brand.

Intuitive user guidance

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A key aspect of our design strategy is enhancing user interaction. The design facilitates a more seamless and efficient user experience by making functions and interaction points intuitive and visible. This approach is about more than just aesthetics; it's about making each interaction with the machine as straightforward and user-friendly as possible.

Users at the centre


Placing "Users at the Centre" is a guiding principle of our design approach. We believe that design should encompass the entire spectrum of user interaction with the machine - from assembly through daily operation to maintenance and troubleshooting. An example of our commitment to this principle is the drivetrain cover of the conveyor, crafted from transparent plastic for easy inspection and effortless access.

A holistic approach

In summary, our work with the Grenzebach Group embodies a comprehensive approach, integrating usability, ergonomics, and performance considerations into the design process. We’ve tailored our designs to meet the practical needs of manufacturing, considering aspects like material requirements and ease of assembly, ensuring that each design enhances the machine's overall usability and aligns with the brand's identity and values.

Our execution-driven approach, coupled with a seamless end-to-end process, ensures impactful solutions making a tangible difference.


Francois-Pierre Vivot

Founder & CSO

[email protected]

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