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Shaping the future of banking with Camunda

In today's dynamic and constantly evolving financial landscape, technology and digital transformation have rewritten the rules of the game and fundamentally changed customer expectations. This has pushed financial institutions to rethink their entire customer journey and find innovative solutions.

Shaping the future of banking

PostFinance, a leading Swiss financial company with over 2.6 million customers, saw an opportunity to simplify the complex customer path in the digital financial ecosystem and automate business processes. This included the smooth integration of different corporate structures as well as the adaptation of technologies, strategies and business models to changing conditions and customer needs.

In close cooperation with Consulteer, Camunda was introduced, a platform for process automation. Camunda enables the visual modeling and automation of business processes, without extensive programming knowledge. This facilitates the development of workflows and increases efficiency in companies.

Camunda as a game changer


Camunda, as the leading process automation platform, enables PostFinance to develop customized solutions for various business processes: From automating complex credit approval processes to providing seamless onboarding support for new customers, Camunda offers the flexibility and customisation to meet a wide range of requirements.

The platform not only enables more efficient execution of processes, but also more accurate monitoring and analysis of process data. Bottlenecks and optimization potential are effortlessly identified. This enables PostFinance to make continuous improvements quickly and agilely and to make informed, data-driven decisions.

A strategic partnership

Consulteer's expertise as an implementation partner ensured a smooth rollout of Camunda and a customized fit to PostFinance's specific requirements. This collaborative partnership successfully overcame challenges and ensured that PostFinance could provide an optimal experience to its customers.

Thanks to Camunda, the following benefits were achieved:

  • Increased efficiency: Camunda enables automated, efficient handling of complex banking processes.

  • Transparency: The platform provides clear insights into process data to identify bottlenecks and efficiency potentials.

  • Flexibility: Camunda is adaptable to different banking requirements, from credit approvals to customer management.

  • Rapid implementation: Visual modeling enables rapid development and implementation of banking solutions.

  • Customer experience: Camunda supports seamless banking operations and improves the customer experience.

Process automation is the key to more quality & efficiency. With Consulteer, you tap the full potential of Camunda. Together, we bridge the gap between IT & business.

Dragoslav Milovanovic - Photo

Dragoslav Milovanovic

Principal Consultant

[email protected]

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